Workshop: Writing Places with Sarah Moss

Time and date

Wednesday 16 July 2025

3 days

9:30 am

2:30 pm

This workshop will run from Wednesday 16 to Friday 18 July, from 9.30am to 2.30pm each day with two breaks built into the day.

This course is founded in serious play and in playful presence. With Sarah Moss you will be attending to places and the beings in them, thinking about words for things, time and place. You will experiment, trying ideas that probably won’t work (but just might), making and un-making, seeing what happens. If you would like to try out a writing practice or refresh one of long or short standing, this might be your perfect chance. If you want to hammer out a word count, this isn’t the workshop for you.

Bring your curiosity, writing materials, whatever you need to go out in the weather. Come prepared to be outdoors and indoors, present in your senses and in the presence of your classmates.

Max: 15 participants



Saint Finbarr's Boys National School
Seskin, Bantry, Co. Cork
P75 NY51

Admission: €230

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We’ll stay local but roam, and look at, listen to, touch and smell (maybe taste) what we find beside ourselves. We’ll think and write about what’s below our feet and above us, within arm’s reach and beyond the seas. This isn’t a mystical practice: we’ll also think about the movement of power (political, economic, geological, historical) through place, and glance or gaze as much as we can bear at the symptoms of our own Anthropocene days.


Sarah Moss

Sarah Moss has written several novels including the Sunday Times top ten bestseller Summerwater (being adapted for television by Channel 4) and Ghost Wall, which was longlisted for the Women’s...

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