7. Candlelit Late Night

Time and date

Saturday 28 June 2025

10:00 pm

10:50 pm


Bantry House

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7. Candlelit Late Night

Also from 1825 comes Beethoven’s enigmatic late B flat Quartet that closes with the unpredictable and monumental Grosse Fuge. The six movement format harks back to the Divertimenti of his youth and Beethoven seems to have gone out of his way to make this quartet more than usually accessible, until he gets to that final movement that left his contemporaries floundering with incomprehension, partly because no Quartet existed that could play this epic, mad fugue that begins in fury and ends in beauty.

Admission: €15

All works performed by Tchalik Quartet

Composer Work
Beethoven String Quartet in B flat Op.130/133
Arts Council - funding music
Crespo Foundation
Fáilte Ireland
Wild Atlantic Way
Cork County Council
Pure Cork
RTE Lyric FM
Creative Places West Cork Islands
Irish Examiner
Maritime Hotel
IMRO - Irish Music Rights Organisation