Teenage Reading: Cethan Leahy

Age: 14+

Time and date

Wednesday 17 July 2019

3:00 pm

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Tuesdays Are Just As Bad is a witty YA novel that deals with the serious issues of depression and teenage suicide written by Cethan Leahy, an exciting new talent in Irish fiction.

Admission: €6

Cethan introduces us to a funny, diverse set of characters, a compelling premise and unique narrative voice.

When troubled teenager Adam wakes in hospital after a suicide attempt, he finds that he has company. A ghost. Or perhaps it’s something else.

This ‘ghost’ is as confused as Adam about the whole situation. Narrated from the point of view of this ‘ghost’, Tuesdays are just as Bad follows Adam as he attempts to return to normal life – whatever that is. When Adam makes new friends via his counselling sessions, he ends up developing a relationship with one of the gang, Aoife. Surrounded by these friends, Adam starts to feel happy again. The ‘ghost’, however, becomes jealous. In the end, he decides that the only way he can be free of this feeling is to isolate Adam so he can have him all to himself, with catastrophic results.

A poignant story that deftly touches on themes of suicide and depression, Tuesdays are Just as Bad is full of heart, humour and tenderness. A fresh, distinctive voice and a charming cast of characters make this a novel worth reading.” Catherine Doyle

Cethan Leahy will be in conversation with transition year students from Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí who have completed workshops in how to discuss a writer’s work and how to interview a writer in public.


Cethan Leahy

Cethan Leahy is a writer, filmmaker, and editor of Irish literary magazine The Penny Dreadful. His short stories are published in The Looking Glass, Wordlegs and Five Dials and he...

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