Peter Browne

Instruments: Concert Flute | Tin Whistle | Uileann Pipes

Peter Browne started playing traditional music at age six, first on tin whistle and concert flute, and from the age of nine the uilleann pipes. He learned from three of the great names in piping: Leo Rowsome, Willie Clancy and Séamus Ennis – all family friends.

In the 1970s he was twice winner of the Oireachtas uilleann piping competition and played with groups Raftery and 1691 – a forerunner of The Bothy Band and later spent two periods playing both pipes and flute with The Bothy Band. He made two albums in the 1980’s together with Philip King and played as orchestral soloist in performances of the Brendan Voyage by Shaun Davey and works by other composers including Michael Holahan, Roger Doyle and Paddy Meegan. His most recent recording is with the 4-piece group The Lark on the Strand.

His career in RTÉ Radio (all four stations) over 40 years covered many areas – particularly traditional music e.g The Long Note, Céilí House, The Rolling Wave. He produced a series of archive CDs, qualified with an M Mus (Perf.) and his current fascination is with the interaction of radio broadcasting and radio in Ireland over the past 100 years.

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Cork County Council
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